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A Treaty can be the means to tell the story of who we want to be as a country, creating a national identity that celebrates what unites us, protects the rights of First Nations people and acknowledges the injustices, both past and present. 

Many First Nations remain excluded from state and federal treaty initiatives. Nationally, Australia lags behind other Commonwealth countries in failing to pursue a Treaty process with its First Nations Peoples. 

A Treaty is an opportunity to reframe our society and change the course of this country’s future, together. It can help to address many of the pressing issues we face as a nation – protection of land and water, tackling the climate crisis, and addressing growing economic inequality. 

Join Senator Lidia Thorpe, First Nations activists and academics online as they yarn about truth telling and Treaty. 

Thursday 19th August 7pm-8.30pm AEST

RSVP to receive the zoom link 

This event will have AUSLAN interpretation please contact if you have any other accessibility requirements.

We cannot change the past, but we can build a better future and that starts with bringing people together.

August 19th, 2021 7:00 PM   through   8:30 PM
Online - We'll send you a zoom link before the event